Tag: NASA Challenger Columbia Apollo 1

The Greatest Spacecraft Never Built? The Space Tug

Nixon Wakes Up NASA in the Middle of a Dream   How often is it that we talk about the “golden era” of something? Generally, that tends to infer that the best of something is behind us. It doesn’t mean that great things won’t, or can’t be accomplished in...

“No Go” for Launch

Thousands of people came to the Kennedy Space Center on February 7, 2010 for the last night launch of the Space Shuttle program. I made the trek down hoping to catch one last piece of history and see a spectacular launch. The complex was as crowded as I had...

This Day in Space History

January 27th is a day of remembrance in the annals of space history and a day to reflect on those that were lost in the conquest of space. On this date ten astronauts gave their lives in mankind’s reach for the heavens. In 1967, Gus Grissom, Ed White and...


Today, and the next week marks a time when several tragedies occured in the quest for space. Sixteen American astronauts risked their life to advance the cause of space exploration: Apollo 1 (January 27, 1967) – Virgil “Gus” Grissom, Ed White, Roger Chaffee Challenger (January 28, 1986) – Francis...